Our Sponsors

The success of the Leadership Pittsburgh Inc. (LPInc.) depends to a large part on the financial support of our community’s businesses and community partners.

Be Leader and Support Leadership

A Community is only as strong as its citizens. LPInc. programs grow the leadership capacity of those who participate in our programs. As participants grow professionally and personally, our community gets stronger with them.

Participants represent prominent large and small businesses, the education and healthcare sectors, as well as government, and community agencies. Speakers include noted subject matter experts as well as city, county and state officials. Leadership Pittsburgh Inc. has a robust alumni network of over 3,500 leaders.

You can find a listing of our graduates here by our LP Alumni, our LDI Alumni and our CLCV™ alumni.

Your tax deductible sponsorship of Leadership Pittsburgh Inc. and its programs not only provides your organization with brand recognition amongst our region’s current and future leaders, but also denotes an investment in the area’s future and the future of this community leadership organization.

Sponsorship opportunities are available for our programs and program sessions, participant scholarships, community forums and events. To learn more about how your organization can become a Sponsor of LPInc. and/or any of its valuable leadership programs, please click below.

Learn More About Sponsorships

Support their growth

“I’ve always envisioned myself being an amazing leader in society, making big things happen, leaving my footprints and making my mark, and making a difference in people’s lives…and with being one of the first graduates of CLCV, that vision is much clearer to me now and I totally believe it’s attainable and even closer within my reach because of CLCV.”

Our Corporate Sponsors

The success of the Leadership Pittsburgh Inc. depends to a large part on the financial support of our community’s businesses and community partners. We are deeply grateful for their ongoing support.